Hei hei welcome to your creative refresh, your mobile meditation.

The next few minutes are all yours. Maybe you’ll join me in movement with an easy stroll or a heart-pumping pace. Or perhaps a static posture is better suited for your current state. Regardless of your disposition, please use this time however you’d like. 

Now, whether you're finding motion or stillness, I welcome you to shift your attention to the gravity holding you to the earth. Feel the heaviness in the connection. Observe the spaces that draw closeness and offer balance.

I encourage you to find what serves you best in this moment, acknowledge it, and hold it for as long as it continues to honor you. As your condition changes, I welcome you to reassess your Being and observe anything new, noting whether it warrants additional investigation or a simple passing acknowledgement. 

Now, take a moment to feel the blood flowing through your body. Reflect on the sensations in the lower half of your body; now in the upper half; now observe your right side; and now your left. With these new observations in mind, take a moment to send your breath to any space holding tension. 

Next, adding consciousness to your breath, see if you can deepen your inhales by strongly pulling in air and filling up your chest or belly. Observe how your shoulders rise as the air fills your body. Maybe your head slightly reaches upward to the sky and you allow your face to relax, giving way for the unrestricted movement of breath. 

On your next inhale, see if you can hold the air at the top, and feel fullness in your belly, chest, and diaphragm. Note the way your spine feels, and maybe you’ll find it lengthen to provide your body with maximum support and opportunity for release. Next, slowly release this breath and maybe you’ll find that it’s the biggest exhale you’ve had all day. For your next breath, I welcome you to inhale fully and exhale freely, allowing the air to exit your body in a victorious release.

I encourage you to take the release from your last breath with you into the rest of your day. Remember that at any point, you can turn your focus back to your breath, to find calm or to produce energy and spur creativity. Use this energy and creativity to add light to the world and be a force for positivity.
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